We at Paradigm are so excited to announce that we are now a registered service provider for the Client Directed Home Care Invoicing program (CDHCI), a collaboration between AHS, Blue Cross and community agencies! Now you can choose to age at home independently with services/supports local to your community that also fit your budget!
CDHCI is a program for Home and Community Care clients to manage their own care. In a nutshell, you choose an agency. Home Care assesses the specific supports and number of hours required, and the agency submits directly to Blue Cross.
Services covered by CDHC include personal care, homemaking and respite.
Personal care supports include assistance with care tasks that can be scheduled such as personal hygiene, dressing, toileting, mobilization and transferring, home exercises, nutrition, medication assistance, and respiratory care.
Homemaking services include tasks that are essential to keeping you in your home, such as cleaning bathrooms, cleaning mobility equipment, incontinence laundry, and removing garbage. It is important to note that homemaking tasks must be related to health maintenance and are not stand-alone services. You must explore other service agencies and options for homemaking tasks before homemaking services are included in CDHCI.
Respite Care supports provide your informal caregivers a break when you are unable to safely be left alone, as determined by your AHS Case Manager.
Services are determined by your Home and Community Care assessment. Ask your case manager if CDHCI is a suitable model for your care needs!
We invite you to call the South Zone number 1-866-388-6380 for more information or to request home care services. Family, friends, neighbours or health professionals can call on your behalf as well!